Termini Imerese Society Tomb in Metaire Cemetery, New Orleans, LA

Submitted by Heather Wright

We bury our dead above ground in New Orleans and as you know, we have a one of the largest Sicilian populations in the US. There are many Italian Society tombs here, but this is the only one devoted to Termini that I have ever seen.

It was built in 1904 and it stands in Metairie Cemetery. The top of the tomb reads: "Societa Italiana De Mutua Benificenza Terminese".

The plaque which is the other picture I sent, is located on the left hand side of the tomb. Plaques on the front were left blank. The side plaque reads as follows:


F. Badali Morto 11 Augusto 1905 ETA 24
A. Luparello 15 Octobre 54
R. Sova 25 Luglio 1906 51
P. Spagnolo 8 Agosto 47
C, Purpura 23 Octobre 1908 19
S. Corso 5 Marzo 27
T. Giuffre 12 Novembre 1910 67
F. Giuffre 3 Agosto 1911 71
M. Seminara 19 Octobre 1913 58
A. Purpura 5 Luglio 1925 75

Most likely, there are more people in the tomb and the families did not record it on the outside with engraving. Most often there can be 3-4 people buried per block that you see on the front of the tomb. Many families did not have the monies, especially during the depression to record the entombment on the outside of the tomb, as in the case of my great grandfather.

I hope this helps someone in the group.

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Copyright© June 24, 2021, Laura L Johnson, Termini-Imerese.org, Comuni di Italia.org